Should you Reupholster or Buy New?

When your favorite furniture shows signs of wear, reupholstering offers a solution with several advantages.
Want to learn more? Let’s explore the 5 pros of getting reupholstery, but first, let’s look at a quick definition.
Reupholstery is the process of updating furniture by replacing its fabric, padding, coil springs, and other materials. It means stripping the piece down to its frame, repairing or reinforcing the structure, and adding new upholstery materials.
» MORE: What Is Reupholstery and When Should You Get It?
So, let’s first talk about how reupholstery can bring your favorite furniture back to life. After all, this tends to be one of the most satisfying results for furniture lovers.
During the reupholstery process, your upholsterer will carefully replace the old fabric, cushions, springs, and more, according to your specifications. They will also likely repair or reinforce the frame to add durability.
Here’s a short list of ways reupholstery can make your favorite furniture as good as new:
Once all is said and done, the reupholstery process will renew your furniture while preserving what you know and love. Then again, you might want to change and revitalize the piece and go for an entirely new look and feel. This is also valid. The great thing about reupholstery is you get to decide!
Another pro of getting reupholstery is preserving your best furniture. On that note, it’s a mistake, in my opinion, to get rid of high-quality furniture and replace it with anything made from cheap materials like particle board. Good furniture isn’t as common today due to overseas mass production and cost-cutting from manufacturers.
Back in the 80s in the United States, there was a thriving furniture manufacturing hub in North Carolina that produced well-crafted pieces. Today, the story is quite different. You can still find high-quality pieces, but it’s harder to do and more expensive.
That said, any type of furniture you own that was built with superior craftsmanship deserves to be preserved, especially when it comes to cherished family heirlooms. This is where reupholstery comes in. It will extend the lifespan of your best-made pieces.
One benefit of owning furniture is you know how it fits in your space. This makes it safer than buying something new and then trying to trundle it into your space and not being able to. And, if you need to update your existing furniture with reupholstery, you can.
Reupholstering gives you a ton of flexibility and customization. Whether you need to add a tough fabric because you have kids and pets or want something more elegant, let’s say, for a formal dining room, reupholstery empowers you to modify your furniture so that it fits your design plans perfectly.
Reupholstering your furniture is also a more eco-friendly choice. When you choose a local upholsterer, as opposed to shipping furniture from overseas, you reduce the furniture’s carbon footprint, reduce landfill waste, and make a positive impact on the environment.
Speaking of all things eco-conscious, reupholstering your furniture can also be healthier for you. This is because new furniture (usually from overseas) can off-gas Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Specifically, this can happen with furniture made using polyurethane foam, which is commonly found in imported pieces. I wouldn’t say one should fear polyurethane foam, but it is something to be aware of.
If you’re concerned about VOCs or other health hazards, custom reupholstery offers a solution by empowering you to choose eco-friendly materials. Skilled upholsterers can make pretty much anything you need with the materials you want.
Have I talked about customization yet? Seriously, reupholstery gives you a huge amount of flexibility. When you reupholster your furniture, you can pick any fabric you love, add special touches like fancy buttons to make your piece unique, and MUCH more.
Fabrics: By the way, with reupholstery, you’re not stuck with the same boring fabrics you see in every store. Most furniture shops play it safe with basic colors and patterns, but reupholstery opens up a world of exciting choices. It’s like having a piece of furniture designed just for you instead of something that looks like it came off an assembly line.
» MORE: Furniture Fabric: The Most Common Fabrics Used in Furniture
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Reupholstering gives you an opportunity to create something truly unique. If you want a mass-produced product, it might be a better choice to shop at a furniture store. However, mass-produced furniture can’t deliver the same level of customization or quality, so if you value something personal and one-of-a-kind, reupholstery is the perfect choice.
Reupholstering also saves you from having to spend days online or in furniture stores searching for the perfect replacement. Instead, you can work with an upholsterer who will give you a personal consultation and walk you through the process.
Ready to transform your cherished furniture into something extraordinary? At Redesign Upholstery, the team and I specialize in creating unique, personalized pieces that reflect your individual style.
This includes your color, fabric, the cushions, the shape, and more. Whether you’re preserving a family heirloom or refreshing your favorite chair, our expert craftsmanship ensures your furniture gets the attention it deserves.
Contact Redesign Upholstery today to discuss your reupholstery project and discover how the team and I can breathe new life into your treasured pieces.
If you’ve ever wanted to show off your interior with a completely unique piece of furniture, the team at Redesign Upholstery can help you achieve this.