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Must-Know Facts About Custom Upholstery Before Buying


Before investing in custom upholstery, it helps to understand the process and what you’re getting into. Custom upholstery requires much more than simply choosing fabric; it entails stripping your furniture down to its bones and rebuilding it to your specifications.

Custom upholstery can also be expensive, so before you commit, we encourage you to read the five facts you need to know about custom upholstery. Whether you’re creating a new custom piece or updating a family heirloom, understanding these facts will help you get the best results from your investment.

Finding a quality source is a very important first step

Finding a quality source for custom upholstery can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the process. Our biggest piece of advice is to avoid super low-cost options. While it might be tempting to go with the cheapest option, in the upholstery world, you truly get what you pay for.

There is a wide skill gap in upholstery, and higher-priced craftsmen, who have proven themselves with a robust body of work and excellent customer reviews, possess skills that are not always easy to find.

Reviews + How they treat you

To find the best upholstery service, you can start simply. As with most other businesses, you can look at their online reviews, which is always helpful. In fact, if you don’t personally know someone who has bought custom upholstery and you don’t have any references, this is probably the best path you have.

Of course, your interaction with the upholsterer is also very important. A good upholsterer will ask detailed questions about your needs and preferences, and they will show interest in your project.

What about large retailers?

Another thing we want to point out is that custom upholstery allows for practically limitless design possibilities and material choices. While some large retailers offer semi-custom options, local upholsterers tend to provide a more personalized experience. They’re usually more invested in you, the customer.

Custom upholstery is an investment, and for small to medium-sized local upholsterers, each project represents significant income, as well as an opportunity to build their reputation and customer base and create lasting relationships.

Ultimately, it’s best to choose an upholsterer who wants to serve your needs. Additionally, they have to be someone you trust. If these two factors are present, then picking a high-quality local option, even if it means paying more upfront, is the right move.

Asking the right questions is absolutely necessary for a successful outcome

Once you’ve found the right source, the next step is to drill down into the questions you have. If you don’t know what questions to ask, which can be an issue if you’re new to custom upholstery, start by measuring your room and doorways. This only applies if you’re getting new custom upholstery and need to install it. After all, you want to make sure your new upholstered furniture will fit inside your space.

It might also be worth marking out the layout of your space with painter’s tape. This will help you visualize how the furniture will fit and let you know whether you need to make changes to your concept. Then, of course, you have to think about how the furniture will be used—whether it’s in a high-traffic area or off in a corner somewhere, in which case, it’ll probably be decorative.

Talking to your upholsterer

Once you have a strong idea of what you’re going for and you talk to your upholsterer…bring photos. If you’re not updating an existing piece and don’t have photos, bring some photo examples of ideal pieces instead. If you’re able to draw, sketching out your concept is also a good idea.

In all likelihood, your upholsterer will likely require photos, so bring as many as you reasonably can. The more details you give your upholsterer, the better.

Your initial conversation is crucial for establishing expectations and ensuring your piece is what you want. Questions to ask include:

  • What fabrics do you think are best?
  • Can I provide my own fabrics?
  • How much will this cost?
  • What will the final cost include?
  • What is the estimated timeline for completion?
  • How do you handle repairs if they are needed after the project is completed?

Pricing varies widely, so be clear about your budget

During your conversation, you certainly want to be clear about your budget with the upholstery business. When they ask you what your budget is, you don’t want to waffle back and forth. Go in with a clear number and stick to it. Otherwise, you might find yourself agreeing to a price that you ultimately don’t want to pay.

Being firm with your budget upfront will also help your upholsterer make the right kind of recommendations for you. For example, not all fabrics are the same price, and in certain cases, the fabric selection can substantially change the final price.

When your upholsterer has a firm budget, they can tailor options to better suit your needs.

Dimensions have a huge impact on the quality of comfort

So, you’ve asked good questions, and you’ve been clear with your pricing. But have you talked about the dimensions of your furniture yet? Dimensions are absolutely critical to good furniture. You’ve probably sat in a chair before and thought, “This just doesn’t feel right,” and it was probably due to the seat depth being off.

Dimensions have a huge impact on the quality of comfort. Even small variations in measurements, for example, the back angle, can make the difference between a piece of furniture that feels custom-made for you versus one that leaves you with buyer’s regret.

When you’re thinking about what dimensions would be best, consider how you will use the furniture. Personal preference plays a big role, so we suggest taking measurements of furniture you like and presenting those to your upholsterer.

Cushions also have a big impact on comfort

Additionally, you have to know what kind of cushion fills you want. For instance, down fills offer a soft, sink-in feeling, while high-density foam fills provide firmer support.

There is a huge variety of cushion fills, so it might feel overwhelming to pick the exact right choice. Fortunately, your upholsterer (if they’re experienced) will know which fills work best for different furniture styles and usage patterns.

They can advise on which options suit your space better. They can also offer creative solutions, such as combining different fill types to achieve the perfect balance of support and comfort.

The condition of the frame and interior is often more important than the exterior

Another good thing to know about custom upholstery, particularly if you’re just starting out, is how important the condition of the furniture’s interior is. While outdated fabric might be unappealing, a bad frame will ultimately compromise the entire piece.

By contrast, a sturdy, well-constructed frame will serve as an excellent foundation for a successful project, even if the exterior fabric is worn or outdated.

Before buying custom upholstery, you’ll want to make sure that your furniture doesn’t have a damaged or weak frame. If it does, you’d be better off not getting custom upholstery. Moreover, keep in mind that if the internal components, such as the springs or padding, are severely worn, damaged, or deteriorated, this will add to the total cost of the project.

Choosing upholstery fabric should be based on function, not just looks

Another must-know fact is: When choosing fabric, function should come before looks. This might be controversial to some, but choosing a fabric that doesn’t suit the intended use is a recipe for disappointment. For example, if you choose a delicate silk fabric for a family room sofa that gets daily use, it’ll likely wear out quickly.

High-traffic areas need durable, easy-to-clean fabrics, especially if kids or pets are involved. Sun exposure is another factor—some fabrics fade faster than others. Whatever types of fabrics you are considering, think about use, volume, and sun exposure before making a choice.

While it’s tempting to pick fabric based on appearance or texture, prioritizing function will make your investment last much longer.

Custom-built furniture offers unique solutions for practically any space

So, let’s backpedal a little bit. Let’s say you’ve measured your room carefully, and you know your upholstery needs, but you’re still struggling to find the perfect piece that fits your space. The good news is that custom-built furniture is incredibly diverse.

Unlike mass-produced options, custom-built pieces can be tailored to your exact specifications, ensuring a perfect fit for your space. During the creation process, every detail matters, but that’s where things get fun. Custom upholstery is practical, but it’s also artistic. It allows you to express your style and personality.

Get Custom Upholstery with Redesign Upholstery

We hope you’ve enjoyed this read and found it helpful. From finding the right source to choosing the perfect fabric, we’ve included these must-know facts about custom upholstery to help you achieve an amazing outcome.

If you’re ready to start your custom upholstery journey, Redesign Upholstery is here to help. Contact us today to bring your vision to life with upholstery tailored to you.

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